Excel-2003 Tutorial 4 - Smart Computer Tutorial
File->Print:- This option is used to print the active sheet/workbook/selection with the selected printer and feeded no of copies.
1. Design the matter.
2. Select “File->Print” option.
3. Select the “Printer name” under printer section.
4. Select the Area which you want to print such as Active sheet/workbook/selection.
5. Feed the no of copies such as 2.
6. Feed the page range to print such as 1 to 5.
7. select all pages.
8. Click on “ok/Print” button.
File->file Search:- This option is used to search one or more files on the given text or file name.
1. Click on “file” menu.
2. Select “File search” option.
3. Type the “text” such as school in the appeared task pane.
4. Click on “search/Go” button to search the file.
Now click on any file to open it.
File-> Properties:- This option is used to get the general information of the active opened file such as created date , access date, modified date etc.
1. Open any file.
2. Click on “File menu”.
3. Select “Properties” option.
4. Click on “General” tab.
5. See the General information of the file.
File->Exit-This option is used to exit the active open Application/window.
1. Click on “File” menu.
2. Select “Exit” option.
File->Close:- This option is used to close the active file/work book.
1. Click on “File menu”.
2. Select “Close” option.
How to insert the comment in the selected cell?
Steps :-
1. Select the cell.
2. Click on “insert menu.
3. Select “Comment” option.
4. Feed the comment for the selected cell.
5. Click on any other cell to hide the comment.
Now if you move the pointer on the selected cell it will show the comment.
How to apply formatting on Cells.
Steps :-
1. Select the cell/range of cells.
2. Click on “Format menu”.
3. Select “Cells” option.
4. Click on the “Font” tab.
5. Select the font style from the list.
6. Select the style such as bold/italic etc.
7. Select the size of the font such as 72.
8. Select the Under line style.
9. Select the “font color”.
10. Click on “ok”
CUT:- This option is used to cut the selected matter of the selected cell or range of cells that can be paste any where.
1. Design the matter.
2. Select the Matter of Cell.
3. Click on “Edit menu.
4. Select “cut” option.
5. Place the cursor where you want to paste it.
6. Click on “Edit” menu.
7. Select “Paste” option.
Copy:- This option is used to copy the matter of selected cell or range of cells and now it is ready to be pasted. Actually it will make a duplicate copy of the selected content.
1. Design the matter.
2. Select the matter.
3. Click on “Edit” menu.
4. Select “Copy” option.
5. Place the cursor where you want to paste it.
6. Click on “Edit” menu.
7. Select “Paste” option.
Note:- once the matter is copied it will store in clipboard.
Paste:- This option is used to paste the selected copied or cut cells value.
1. Select the matter.
2. use cut or copy option.
3. Place the cursor where you want to paste the cut or copied matter.
4. Click on “Edit” menu.
5. Select “Paste” option.
Paste special:- This option is used to paste the special behavior at the selected location.
1. Design the matter.
2. Apply the formatting on the matter such as “insert comment/formatting/border etc”.
3. Select the cell and copy the matter.
4. Place the cursor where you want to paste the special behavior.
5. Click on “Edit” menu.
6. Select “Paste Special” option.
7. Select any radio button from following:-
a. All
b. Formula
c. Comment
d. Format.
8. Click on “ok” button.